No registration is required. For any prayer requests, please email [email protected] and an acknowledgement of your request will be sent to you. All requests will be held in confidence.
Prayer 4 You sessions are an important part of the Stonegate Ministry’s mission to provide comforting words and a listening heart to those in need. Through these sessions, facilitators provide a safe and supportive environment for clients and volunteers to come together and share their concerns, fears, and hopes with one another. The facilitators lead the group in prayer and provide an opportunity for participants to offer and receive prayers of compassion and caring. During the sessions, participants are encouraged to share their experiences and offer support to each other. The sessions are designed to help clients and volunteers feel connected and supported as they move through their individual journeys. In addition to prayer and discussion, the facilitators may also offer guidance and resources to help participants find healing and strength. The Prayer 4 You sessions provide a much needed outlet for individuals to find comfort, solace, and community.